Dispatch and Scheduling

Use this tool to Automate Dispatch and Scheduling To Maximize Tomorrow's Profits.

With Vizzn dispatch, built for heavy civil contractors, you enter a new world where you can see everything happening on your sites and optimize the present as well as the future.

Explore a brief overview of what Vizzn is and how it will help your business

Better and More Timely Information = Better and More Timely Decisions = Higher Profits

Vizzn screen
See upcoming events and outstanding dispatches, all filtered as you need to see them.

With Vizzn, not only can you see all the upcoming activities on your projects, but you can also see the filtered outstanding dispatches and their status. With this information, better decisions can be made around tomorrow’s scope of work, crew size, and equipment utilization to keep your projects on track.

Vizzn screen
Vizzn provides you with the status of all the equipment on your sites

With your Transportation division and Mechanic division also using Vizzn for dispatch to optimize their options, they are “inadvertently” giving information to everyone else as they need it. For example, the transport team is providing the GPS location of every piece of equipment because they moved it there, the mechanic team is providing the repair status of each of piece of equipment because they were requested to work on it through Vizzn, and your Foremen are updating whether the equipment is parked vs active; all this occurs through Vizzn. Vizzn requires no additional work by these teams as it is information that is inadvertently provided, simply by everyone using Vizzn.

Mobile experience
All from any device

Automated Dispatching and Scheduling Software

A company can easily have 150 events (locates, equipment moves, material deliveries, fuel deliveries etc.) plus another 200 outstanding requests. Without Vizzn no one is keeping all of this straight and every miscommunication is costing you profitability

Vizzn simply replaces phone calls of people requesting “stuff” with a Vizzn Dispatch and replaces phone calls of people "appointing other people to do that stuff" with Vizzn Scheduling and then all of this information neatly displayed for each person based on their needs, providing the visibility they need to help your company make money. All of this requires less people not more! With Vizzn visibility into the future, Borger never runs out of pipe, bedding material or fuel and never finds out too late that a machine broke down.

When your crew costs $15,000 per day a single error such as missing fuel, or running out of materials or bedding material could cost $3,500 in standby



Knowing the exact timing of equipment delivery, material delivery, and fuel delivery - to the minute - a day in advance - and then have the opportunity to plan accordingly.

Knowing that a machine is going to arrive at a site tomorrow when a crew costs $15,000+/day is not nearly accurate enough.

Knowing the exact timing of tomorrow’s machine delivery, enables the team, to optimize based on the minute of arrival -tomorrows scope of work being tackled, the crew size, and perhaps even tomorrow’s start time. This is especially important in earthworks operations where this is often no sense even starting a site until enough if not enough production machines have arrived to make moving dirt economical. Also, that grader arriving a bit earlier might make start up a bit more fluid.

Screenshot of Vizzn application
Proven value
Let These Numbers Be Yours As Well


Profit Increase Per Year

A medium to large construction company with 200+ employees and/or 200+ pieces of equipment may be able to realize profit increases of this magnitude. With Vizzn, you can gain profitability in everything from estimating, project management, people management, equipment and fleet management, subcontracting, and transportation.


Less Phone Minutes Each and Every Month for Your Superintendents

Your Supers are spending inordinate amounts of time relaying status updates and other required communication over and over again that could be communicated once to everyone simultaneously with Vizzn. Hey, when is that machine coming back into service? Hey, where is this site again? Hey, where do you want this load of gravel?


Improvement in Visibility, Accountability and Transparency of Tomorrow

No more time has to be spent fighting fires today that were simply a result of poor communication yesterday. With Vizzn, your team can refocus on optimizing tomorrow with certainty of how it is going to unfold.

Additional learning
Watch more videos to learn more about all aspects of Vizzn
Introduction to Vizzn

Duration: 01:03

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Introduction to Vizzn's Construction Scheduling and Dispatch Features

Duration: 05:38

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Introduction to Vizzn for Equipment Managers

Duration: 10:10

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Introduction to Vizzn for Transportation team Leaders

Duration: 9:23

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Introduction to Vizzn for Foremen

This video is locked and only part of Vizzn University and is only available to registered users. If you are not a registered user, please sign up for a demo to unlock.

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Introduction to Vizzn for Site Superintendents

This video is locked and only part of Vizzn University and is only available to registered users. If you are not a registered user, please sign up for a demo to unlock.

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Introduction to Vizzn for Project Managers

Duration: 8:45

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Introduction to Vizzn for Fuel Team Leaders

Duration: 6:34

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2 weeks
initial setup time
Recommended Training

Your product Champion will require 3 hours for set up and 3 hours of training, team leaders and dispatchers will require 2.5 hours each for training, foremen, drivers and mechanics will require less than 30 minutes each all online through Vizzn University which includes initial live set up training plus, ongoing live help, weekly webinars, plus hundreds of how-to articles and videos.

Vizzn Bundling Options

Vizzn Dispatch and Scheduling (VDS) is often implemented in multiple divisions but can also be implemented in just a single Division. VDS is often bundled together for seamless interaction with – Vizzn GPS, Interactive Drawings for Extra Billings and Quality Control, Vizzn Job Site Design, Vizzn Interactive Drawings (estimating).

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